World Gratitude Day 2022

A path going up the side of a hill

World Gratitude Day 2022

Think of a time you told someone how grateful you were for their help, support or even just for
being in your life.
How did that moment make you and that person feel?
Or maybe you can remember a time someone gave you something, something you didn’t buy or
ask for – just a token of their appreciation? It felt pretty good, didn’t it?
This article will look at the ways we can best express our gratitude, the benefits of expressing
the gratitude we feel towards others, and how you can practice the act of gratitude whilst
learning to appreciate the positive emotions that accompany it.
Happy World Gratitude Day!
Does being grateful make you healthier and happier? Or are the people who are healthy and
happy more full of gratitude?
This question has been around since Socrates and Plato! Just google gratitude quotes for
either of them.
“A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things.”
— Plato
There are significant studies that prove gratitude is good for your mental and physical health.
Are happy people grateful? Or are grateful people happy? This debate has been present since
the time of Socrates. Studies have shown that gratitude is good for your mental and physical
health. They have also shown it can lower stress, and anxiety, reduce blood pressure, improve
the quality of your sleep, and lessen some symptoms of depression. There are so many ways
you can incorporate gratitude into your life! There are apps, journals, exercises, breath work,
mantras, etc. Improve your well-being today! What are you grateful for? Start within yourself,
perhaps by loving gratitude for the wonderful person you truly are! Then extend that gratitude to
others and your pets, yes, your fur babies! When was the last time you showed gratitude to
someone else? How did it make you feel? Just think how it made them feel.
I know for sure I am grateful for you, my friends! Happy Gratitude Day!
Connect with me if you need help with any challenges you are facing. Together we will create
positive and powerful changes.

Coach Dawn @coachdawn2021

What we don’t know is why people wait to improve wellbeing with an intentional improvement of
the practice of gratitude.
Studies show that the connection of gratitude to physical wellbeing is vital. One study, in
particular, showed that gratitude is good for your heart (Mills et al., 2015). Gratitude lowers
blood pressure, decreases stress, and improves sleep. Other studies have shown that a
successful practice in gratitude can lessen symptoms of depression and anxiety. Improvements
in gratitude improve humans.
Being aware of one’s level of gratitude could be the starting line for someone racing toward
improved wellbeing. Grateful people are less inclined to feel resentment and envy. The higher
the level of the experience of gratitude as an emotion, the more likely the instance of higher
levels of positive affect.
Positive emotions broaden and enable the opportunity to build. Gratitude is a disposition that
allows others to improve, as well. Perspective-taking and care for others improve when an
intentional shift toward gratitude is taken. Let’s explore how we can start to measure gratitude.
Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Gratitude Exercises for
free. These detailed, science-based exercises will help you or your clients connect to more
positive emotions and enjoy the benefits of gratitude.
Post 9.21.2022
Happy World Gratitude Day, 2022!
Does being grateful make you healthier and happier? Or are the people who are healthy and
happy more full of gratitude?
It seems Socrates and Plato had much to say about gratitude!
“A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things.”
— Plato
Significant studies prove gratitude is good for your mental and physical well-being. They have
also shown it can lower stress, and anxiety, reduce blood pressure, improve sleep quality, and
lessen some symptoms of depression. There are so many ways you can incorporate gratitude
into your life! There are apps, journals, exercises, breath work, mantras, etc.
So let’s improve our well-being today!
What are you grateful for today?
Start within yourself by being grateful for all your unique qualities and strengths!
Now, extend that gratitude to others and your pets, yes, your fur babies! Turn your focus to the
environment, the air we breathe, and the beautiful sky; the gratitude list is endless.
When was the last time you showed appreciation to someone else?

How did it make you feel? Do you remember their reaction?
Have joy today in expressing gratitude! Make it a habit!
Happy Gratitude Day!
I am grateful to all of you!
Please get in touch with me if you need help with any life challenges. Together we will create
positive and powerful changes.

Coach Dawn