Morning Pep Talk
Good morning!
A morning pep talk from your Coach!
I am so proud of how you showed up this week.
Take your right hand and pat yourself on the left shoulder, hug yourself, and write on a piece of paper, “I showed up this week!” Shout it!
You had chances when you could have stayed snuggled in your warm bed, for example, when it was snowing, and there was no electricity and…
Now that is Gumption and the self-talk that will keep you taking the action steps to propel you forward.
I am proud of you! But more importantly, be proud of yourself! You will succeed! Be patient!
It took time to get where you were a month or so ago. It will take time for the body to change. You have a lot going on with your body recomposition, stress, hormones, poor sleep patterns, negative self-chatter, life challenges, new nutrition habits, adding muscle, decreasing adipose, increasing your metabolism, increasing self-care, new awareness, and behaviors, etc.
An example of what is happening at your cellular level: About 330 billion cells are replaced daily, equivalent to about 1 percent of all our cells. In 80 to 100 days, 30 trillion will have replenished—the equivalent of a new you.
Everyone first loses adipose in their unique areas, most in the face or legs. Unfortunately, (and there are reasons to substantiate this phenomenon, lol) the midsection usually lasts. Keep the faith!
When you think of your body as a fantastic machine, which it is, it is much easier to think about the type of fuel and care you want to provide it with so it goes the distance, looks great, and runs smoothly and powerfully!
Remember everything on your journey should be sustainable (that is why you are not on a diet! This is YOUR sustainable nutrition/lifestyle habits that keep her running smoothly and powerfully!), including your nutrition! Like quality reps in the gym, “don’t cheat yourself” is the same when focusing on quality nutrition whole foods. Quality in (happy gut microbiomes) quality out. Lol! More later!