Journaling for Pain Management
Think about keeping a journal about movement and food. Document Food, mood, energy, and sleep!
Knowing what sets it off! Time of day, duration, what did you do, intensity, how did it feel doing the movement? Laundry for 5 minutes…making the bed…etc.
How did it feel 3 hours later? Next day?
Knowing the degree of pain that “that something” caused. What made it feel better?
What created awareness but did not set it totally off? An example would be; that I walked in the pool 100 yards. That day felt good; the next day, awareness but awareness that was not debilitating!
Then you can review and possibly change some things to dial in on what is causing the pain? What is helping the pain? Do certain foods cause flare-ups, ie. Inflammation?
Nutritional Considerations for Pain Management
What can you do to decrease inflammation? Water
Good vitamin-rich whole foods, eat the Rainbow!!!
Pineapple has been shown to reduce inflammation, garlic, and ginger. Blue pigmented berries!
4 to 6 fist-sized portions of colorful veggies and 2 to 3 hand-cupped portions of fruit! Bone broth for healing. Homemade soup!
Might see if you can tolerate curcumin (2grams) ideally with an absorption enhancer, like piperine, a natural anti-inflammatory instead of acetaminophen.
Rest/sleep for Pain Management
Increase good fats slightly from what you currently do.
Fat produces hormones and other cell signaling molecules that can change the level of inflammation; fat intake can improve recovery.
Fats in processed convenience foods can slow healing by promoting (or at least not controlling) inflammation.
Anti-inflammatory fats, such as Omega-3 from fish oils, can help control inflammation and promote healing.
Such as:
Avocado Egg yolks Almonds Pistachios
Extra virgin Olive oil Walnut oil
Cheese ages over six months Olives
Example of good fats
Eat less of: Bacon Sausage Butter
Processed cheese Corn oil
Safflower oil Dressings MarinadesThis information was from a research article and injury recovery. Nutrition for Injury Recovery (precisionnutrition.com)